
Bizim Hikayemiz

Herkes bir hikayeye sahi


The Tecnologia journey began in 1995 when two college friends, John Salivan and Kris Klopperman got together and started selling computers and engineering calculators.


At Tecnologia, we’re on a mission to bring together the personal service of local IT providers with the power of a national network. We believe that’s simpler than it sounds. Our offices offer high-touch IT services that clients love from highly experienced local team members.

We are global

Our national network allows us to offer best-in-class services like dedicated vCIOs, specialized security and compliance advisory services, a 24/7 help desk, and more.
Neden biz?

We understand that business can be chaotic. That’s where we come in. We’re focused on adding some much-needed balance to the mix. We accomplish that by forging real partnerships with our clients. When you work with us, you’re working with a team who understands your pain points and your goals. We’ll help you find order in the midst of the chaos. 


Entegre Pazarlama Teknolojileri

Sistem Kuruyoruz

Sürdürülebilir büyüme ve efektif bütçe kullanımı için, sunduğumuz hizmetler sistem kurmak üzerinedir. Bu, sürdürülebilir büyümenin yapı taşıdır.

Çizgi'nin Dışında

Sıradandan uzak, yaratıcı ve öncü fikirler sunmaktır amacımız. Pazarlamanın teknoloji ile birleştiği noktada, yaratıcılığı ön planda tutarız.

Teknik Pazarlama

Yaptığımız tüm çalışmalar teknik pazarlama üzerine kuruludur. Teknik pazarlamayı, dijital teknolojiler ile birleştiriyoruz.

Growth Odaklı

Sunduklarımızın temel amacı, hızlı büyümeyi sağlamak ve veri inşaa etmektir. Böylece, büyüme stratejimiz sürdürülebilir olur.

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We’re continuing to build our network nationally, bringing together a vibrant team with best-in-class service and technical skills alike. With more than 800 employees across the US, our team is growing fast.

Better together

We know that work is important, but so is play! We respect all of our partnerships, and we make every effort to engage in fun ways that solve critical problems and leave a smile on your face at the same time.

We love our job and love helping our clients. Life is just too short to not enjoy every minute!


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